People may be obsessed with a lot of staffs related to s3x and love. Others may be thinking on how to make his woman can easily get satisfied in the match without getting an answer. Then, here is the answer to what to do so that u can win your h3r in the bed match:1. Do a critical research on where and how to touch so that the you will make h3r enjoy the match.

Eg, ears, neck and  chestshould be the part of your research. After the discoveries, try to concentrate on the areas of weakness as your results show.

2.  Conduct research on the issues related to good styles and positions which may make h3r back like an angry 

Eg, in Africa, we have Kichuma Mchicha, Kifo cha Mende, Kusimama, Katerero, etc. Again let your discoveries lead you to the victory.

3. Make sure that your spear is strong, and never let it go down. Hit your animal straightly all the time.

Eg, Eat natural food including fruits and vegetables. In Africa we have foods like Ugali wa Dona, ndizi, ubwabwa mihogo and the like. Avoid eating cholesterol and soft food like chips! Also avoid NYETO for it greatly weakens "spears". In addition, don't forget physical exercises.

4. Don't panic during the game, just stay at ease. Let h3r not panic too. The game is so tough and it needs energy, crafty and much concentration. If one of the players  panics, then the game will end up with a thorough defeat!

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